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Innovating Success

Environmental, Social, & Governance (ESG)

Climate change impact, social equality, sustainability initiatives, energy technologies, and ethical supply chains are of central importance in the financial sector. Globally recognized, the ISO management standards ethically promote and structure a responsible, holistic sense of communal responsibility. 

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Human health and well-being have risen to the forefront of social consciousness and require actionable results on a corporate scale. CSR provides the opportunity to ethically address and manage social, economic and/or environmental issues for the benefit of communities from a corporate impact lens.

Information Security & Privacy

Socially prioritized by consumers, data security and privacy are sensitive topics for any business. Distinctly different yet integral for system and data management, security provides overarching safeguards while privacy identifies and protects specific data sets, proprietary and personal information. Evidencing methods and procedures for data management has never held more importance in the marketplace.

Business Continuity

Disruptions come at a cost. Business continuity is managed through risk assessments customized to each system.  Understanding and planning ensure that disruptions are minimized and operational functionality are restored quickly, efficiently, and sustainably. 

Service Management

Regardless of industry, service management principles and alignment as set for in the ISO 20000 management standards provide clear and defined practices 

Management of Records Systems

Records management requires a bespoke approach and should be tailored accordingly. Using the ISO 30301 MRS regulatory compliance becomes simple and managed accounting for internal and external stakeholder requirements. 


Financial services encompass a diverse range of industries that serve both commercial and retail customers. The market is primarily driven by returns and compliance, and its health is directly linked to the financial sector's strength. This relationship is crucial in many developed economies, demanding stability, predictability, and transparency. The creation of structural integrity can significantly enhance efficiency and reduce costs for your organization. This is where we come in. At MANUS 360, our proven track record enables us to offer the support you need for increased efficiency, standardization, and compliance relief.

Services Offered

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